Ex came back after no contact reddit

I thought it went really well, which was very confusing. There’s a possibility he may come back if his next relationship does not pan out but I wouldn’t recommend waiting for him. It happens. I decided to contact her and asked if she wanted to meet up. This was a huge mistake. However, he had to go back to work. And he has been avoidant and weird about giving it back. I didn't respond, I only saw the message more than a week after, but 2 weeks after I did. 6) Familiarity. She had been also trying to get my attention in various ways online (but with no direct text) throughout these months constantly. 10 years later, I get a message. briaairb. I ended up falling in love and we are still having the same problems. Vent. It’s normal but don’t fall for it, your mind is playing tricks right now. She told me that she will contact me on her terms and her timeline. Ex lives in a different country for work. No Contact Works, Ex reached out after 5 months. Omg i did the same to my ex, he begged for me back, and we got back together and he left me two years after and then i was the one crying and begging for him to come back 😃. Never felt anything like what I felt with her, but as the title says she told me once she’s done she won’t be back, but she also told me she would block me everywhere and hasn’t done that. Summer 2020 happens and we hook up, we hook up on and off from summer 2020 until December 2020. Watch her pulling back slowly again and you will be back to day 1. I was doing well, so it didn't bother me. He finally admitted he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me. I think all of them reached out more than once. It's been two weeks. [deleted] ADMIN. She’ll probably come back, but that’s not the issue. (It was a mutual break up) Another Ex I dated for 6 months came back after 6 months. he did come back unexpectedly even after being adamant, but then he dumped me again a year later. My ex broke up with me 8 months ago. I never for once gave up on our relationship asking for us to come back even though she always declined. My ex reached out after 2 weeks and 6 days of no contact. Yes. J was my my first girlfriend in college. We went NC for a month, and she messaged me around 3 weeks into it to basically tell me she had healed from the initial break and wanted to see me again. After 150+ days - She reached out. 135K subscribers in the ExNoContact community. So idk what that means but I do want to get back together with this one. She came back about a month and a half later. My self esteem was shot. It has to be the dumper idea to reconcile, that is the number 1 rule of My ex and I were together for about a year. It was all for no reason. Things certainly haven’t gotten any better. Yes, they do come back. Mine did. If you don’t, the same issues will come up. She agreed. That's a testament to your resolve and commitment to your emotional well-being. If you have had a terrible break up, those negative feelings and emotions tend to fade over time, which is called fading effect bias, (with time, negative emotions tend to be overlooked faster than positive. 16. & if I tried to reach out I would have no chance at a relationship with her:/ She says if I respect her space we could A month after that exchange, I took my IG profile from private to public. When we met up I was so excited, he gave me a tight hug and told me I looked beautiful. He knew how I felt TLDR: Ex came back after 10 months of strict no contact. ( I called it off. In reality, she lost attraction and just wanted to end it (ps- this is always what it is (if there are no bigger problems like cheating or abuse), it hurts I know, but every reason they give for leaving is tl;dr: Ex came back after 10 months of strict no contact. Let them be confused on their own, you have better things to focus on. One ex, I dated for 3 years came back after 6 months asking for a second chance. He'd call me to convince me that he loved me and that we belonged together. Ex came back after 9 months - Never saw this one coming. Well after a couple of weeks of on and off texting she said that we were texting too much and we shud talk less because it’ll hurt us in the end. Who the hell cares what they want, just know that you do not want them. Therefore, their feelings are and will never be genuine. GO VERY SLOW to establish your foundation again. The day of the breakdown, didn’t do anything bad, but I was covered in tears, asking her why I didn’t feel loved, out first, etc, and My ex came back after 4 months no contact and we talked for about a week until I told her “I’m sorry I don’t wanna keep in contact and catch feelings” that was a lie. Hence, you were only an option for them because they would not have come back had they not been happy. People come back to someone they had feelings for. She came back. Pale-Respond-7450. I went into no contact for a month after attempting and failing to get him to stay. He's god damn right i wasn't over the past. We didn't talk for 45 days. My ex came back after 4 months of no contact. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Ex came back after 4 months of NC . He said he realized he missed me and he “accept me with all of my mistakes” and “loves mw despite everything”. I proceed to get drunk on my birthday and then cry the entire weekend over it. You don't want to get back to what you had before because that clearly failed, No Contact to get an ex back should be used to pursue a new relationship with an old partner, not to get back into what failed. •. . So I’ve had 2 ex’s come back to me after going NC for years with them. Members Online 5) Easy sex. In minimal to no contact with my ex for 4 months. I am so screwed up over her. Right let me tell you my situation. He dumped me out of no where for the dumbest reason ever. My experience is if they come back and are genuine and willing to work at it with sincerity, there is a chance . He was escalating a little bit in his engagements but I honestly burned through the emotions at this point and I was happy now. I went no contact. RumiOhara. She also hasn’t given me my clothing back from her house and still has the things I got her on display After exactly a month, I sent him a text. First one a year and a half and the second 3-4 months. It is natural to mourn the end of a relationship even if it ended badly (they will mourn the honeymoon period and the "what ifs"). Humans are not able to just switch off feelings. When he was back in my country, we went on dates and had an amazing time. . I'm not sure if I really want to know though. Agreed. End of the day if it ends it ends for a reason if someone loves you they wouldn't take the risk of losing you forever. People can come back yes, but just be cautious when they do. Go back in-till you loose feelings and you finally end the cycle of breaking up and making up. He is an older man, with illnesses, living in the woods with no proper house, he has no internet, warm water or electricity. He was the guy I was seeing before I met my husband. BUT . Yes, I had one come back after 4 years. My advice would be for people if they come back and want you back and you want to also make things word but your unsure , I’d say go for it. Your best bet is to leave him alone for him to realise what he had with you and to let HIM come back to you. He ended it because he didn’t feel ready for something serious with me. I wish she never came back into my life. If it makes you feel any better, I set a 6 month no contact boundary, I’ve heard from him 3 times in 5 months. It’s natural. 9. He still had my number. 16 months after the break-up, I felt a change. She broke up with you because it sounds like you’re slightly emotionally insecure and “needy”. Sometimes they do want you back but usually that takes distance and for both parties to regain their footing. Sort by: Add a Comment. I even called a mental health line at one point because I wanted to die. After a few hours of talking, and digging up to why she broke up with me, I got to know that she went ahead and kissed someone that she used to know for 10 years, the week we All my exes apart from the most recent one came back (I’ve got 3 in total, so 2 came back). I just cannot fathom why anyone would contact their ex before their wedding. She realised if she can develop any kind of feeling for some other person then maybe something is wrong in the relationship. Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self The main reason for your ex coming back to you is because the person they cheated with was either not as good as you or did not live up to their expectations. It felt nice to hear her voice and to feel wanted by her again in some capacity. From my personal opinion, yes they do. We spoke after no contact and he apologised. My experience with NC - Ex came back after a year. Back after 3 years😳. Slowly, I need to climb out of this hole again. She came back though on Friday after her wanting no contact. Sad, sad. He offered to talk to me about why he's not interested in dating me, if I wanted closure. I tried to let it go initially and did NC for Sometimes by the time they come back after the grass is greener syndrome has faded you’ll have outgrown them. I wanted no contact, but she started texting me randomly. I went no contact for 3weeks and she came back. Our members… They always fucking come back but in my experience the good ones do pretty soon after the breakup. I don’t think the relationship will be the same as it was before the breakup. Afterwards however, it hit me. ago. My best friends ex from 3 years ago just came back and told him she misses him and wants to be apart of his life. You can look at my sadness in my post history. Backstory: She [25F] ended it with me 25M after 2 years since she fell out of love/lost the willingness to fight for it. Reply. Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance In my experience, most do, but not always to get back together. Occasionally over the first year she would reach out to say hello. Ex came back. We initially dated for months in 2019 but she dumped me and pushed me away. I’m not expecting her to come back this time, but even if she did, I would Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general healing. Ongoing support for break ups. So I am working on pulling back and going no contact. A lot, actually. All the time and energy over these past few days has been a waste. It was like the earth moved and life wouldn't be the same (I was living all that time in an empty, depressed state). Ex came back after no contact and it led to so much more heartbreak We were NC for 8 months and he came backit was something out of my wildest dreams. Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general healing. Hey guys! It’s been a while since I’ve been on here, actually, almost a year. Our members… My ex who dumped me and mistreated me came back after 3 month of no contact. A month after that I felt like I was finally over the whole thing and I followed him. 1 month after he came back. And one month he came back. During no contact I found out he had been talking to a new girl already but sadly she cheated on him with his friend. He came back and wanted to work it out. He was my everything. She has a dismissive avoidant attachment style. No reconciliation was proposed in any of those times. Being back to day 1 after 1 year of healing, oh boy…let me tell you, the pain you are about to experience will be 10x worse than the pain you felt on day 1. Navigating the emotions that come with reconnection after such a lengthy period can be quite complex. Idk but mine did. mostly_mostly12. 15 months after we broke up, he came back. I found other guys attractive again (before this my Ex came back after 45 days of no contact, but i am forced to cut him off again. Now, I'm living every single day wondering what might have been. Technically not my first love (I’ll get to the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. My ex came back 2 years later realizing grass wasn't greener, only to leave 4 months later making up piss poor reasons when he wanted to date others. For one second, it felt good. ADMIN MOD. In terms of my feelings, it feels like I'm back to square 1, just like right after the break up. ex came back after failed rebound. There was about 2 weeks of me trying to win her back before that, when she first dumped me out of heightened feelings during an argument. Two days after I did that he liked my photos on there. He said he lost feelings then he came back. Ex came running back after one year. I'm married, and my ex came back out of the blue. Depends on how you define no contact, I reached out after 8 months when I was with my now current ex, gf at the time, because my my previous ex had something of mine I wanted to ask for back, not to be petty but was a memento of mine I gave to her way back when (we dated for 4 years) and I was completely moved on, she broke up with me. They always come back. The lack of closure and the pain I felt of being discarded haunted me for months. I think he just wanted to explore other options. If he is genuinely sorry and has changed he will keep on showing that and be patient. He sent a message on Christmas day saying he wanted to talk. At this point I realized I was just holding out hope that she changes her mind and decided that I should go no contact. I bought an engagement ring and she told me not to propose. MembersOnline. ) I’m Not with either one. Context - Me and my girlfriend broke up at august , 2019 after 4 years of being in a relationship. They fell back into old patterns and left me the way they did at first. My ex came back and started talking to me, said she was morbidly curious about my life. don't give away your soul and self-worth to any partner simply through neediness and insecurity just because you believed you couldn't live without this other person. (Yes I was dumped every time, I have an issue with not being able to “give up” in relationships). It’s been a month and a half since my most recent ex and I broke up and I texted him to get my stuff. We are talking every day but he prioritize everything else over me and I still don’t feel loved and appreciated. I did all the things I could to continue working on myself. She ended up calling from a random phone and left a voicemail asking to talk. I realized a lot of things about myself, and what I want or don't want in a relationship. We spoke over the phone and he said he hasn't moved on albeit trying so hard. To poke at you and see if you're still available, to try to start or maintain a friendship, to alleviate guilt etc. All were after at least the 6 month mark, some years later. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I actually highly regret that decision. My ex broke up with me because he did not know what he wanted. Things went great for 2 months and then she slowly started pulling away again after she invited me to supper with her family. No contact worked, my ex reached out. Finally let go and went no contact. I'm reviewing my old notes/worksheets from therapy. She could of messaged way before or after the wedding and it would of hurt but not to this degree. I wanted to share something with anyone suffering from a break-up, or struggling with heeding the “No-Contact” rule. He had left the country and after 8 months qhen he had made a terrible mess of his life came back to me. I gave him the space he needed and I just hoped everyday that he eventually reach out to me. If you want this person back, maintain NC and work on I 21(M) and My ex gf of 5years started talking to me again after she broke up with her rebound,now she wants to do things with me like dinner,go out or just chill with me at home and I agreed(I do want her back),The problem is she didn't talk to me about her intentions why she's coming over often,she didn't talk about if are we now gf and bf?I don't want to ask tho,I'm scared if I show Love To be fair, we had a good hour long conversation after that. Turns out she dumped her boyfriend and ran to me after. My 28 (m) 31 (F) dumper initially ended our 5 relationship for reasons which were all bullshit last year. We dated 3 more years and it was the worst break up of my life. The problem wasn’t falling for her, but it was falling for the girl that no longer exists. Etc. You have my heart. He resurfaced, calling and texting daily, asking to meet for dinner and help me with whatever I needed. I spent months crying over him. She broke up with me because she developed some feelings for her bestfriend. In fact, he wanted to know where I stood on him. My ex came back after I did 4 weeks of no contact. Im always the dumpee because I don’t know when to quit! both times my exes have come back even after claiming how unhappy they were with me, and both times, nothing changed. She claimed compatibility issues (she doesn't want kids) and that she lost feelings or fell out of love for me. Hi all, so believe it or not, to my own disbelief, my ex reached out to me yesterday (3 years dating) after—quite literally—ghosting me after a breakdown I had. I would say that you both need to take it slow. She's just trying to keep me in her back pocket, and I'm trying to find someone new. I chased him after the break up for months. I moved out in July after doing couples therapy. Enjoy the company first and Communicate and talk about the relationship that died and the problems with it as well when you can so that you can maintain the relationship this time around, if you want to really reconcile. The times an ex came back into my life (or I was the ex that came back into someone else's life), it was generally for one of three reasons: the breakup lacked closure or there was a sense of 'unfinished business' (either on one or both sides), enough time had passed that we wanted to be friends, or one party had done some self reflection and Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general healing. Somebody says “a woman never throws away her only pair of shoes”…. Lo and behold, he responded. I went NC when she left me because she cant love me 100%. 4. Anyway, she ended things again 6 weeks ago and I went no contact immediately again. Unlucky-Noise-4275. The issue is that you’re insecure in yourself and women can sense weakness. He says I wasn't over the past and was a trigger for his insecurities (even though he's the one who cheated and left). We dated for another 5 months and they just broke up with me again this last week. It probably depends on the situation, but if they come back after a considerable amount of time, it’s usually not indicative of anything good. You just want to get an ego boost and get your bitter “revenge” on her. But the last time, about a year ago, I told her I couldn't continue this. Longing and wishing she just came back but I kept no-contact. Our members listen, support, and encourage each other on their path to independence. This is one of the most universally true yet misunderstood things in the world of breakups. Yeah 5 out of my last 8 exs have came back. Ex girlfriend came back after 3 years of NC My ex came back to me and I got back into the relationship with her. Well a few months later nothing has changed. It was the worst period of my life and took me months to feel remotely normal again. 9 months ago my ex broke my heart. Members Online Now you’re chasing her and she is running. They are suffering too, of course they are. Take your time to heal and try So it’s already been 3 months since my ex came back after he ghosted me for being too much for him to handle. Hey so me '17M' and my ex '18F' got back together for a short time and we planned a lot of things for this summer, but sadly she broke up with me again,on Thursday evening of last week she sent me messages saying she is going out with her friends (that hates me) and she told me to not interact with her at all, at first i was like okay idc, then 5 hours went by with NO communication, and 119K subscribers in the ExNoContact community. My ex dumped me this summer. dyrothhh. 2. I did not take the breakup well. Knxwledge-Seeker. lol told them “just because I’m single doesn’t mean I’m available “. r/ExNoContact. And most exes tend to come back when the sex was great. After dinner, we spent time in the car and ended up kissing and embracing each other. This is a fantasic post. Both of them are very different people and I’ve had very different unique experiences with both of them (as all relationships are unique). I agreed and we decided to walk through it together. Example 1: let’s call this one J. None of this matters, if it’s meant to happen it will, but the whole point in NC is your emotional moving forward, not waiting around wishing for a text. I tried to do NC, but talked to her once halfway through about a practical matter. I’m hurt but I’m more frustrated. etc. 3 months doesn’t seem long enough to me for big changes. We went for dinner, caught up, and I tried my best to make her laugh and feel comfortable. If you don’t want her back, then you shouldn’t care if she’s coming back or not. Within the month of us speaking again we went on two trips out of town. They only dated for 6 months about 3 One day after she came back, I regret it. Hello, Ex dumped me 1 week ago saying she lost feelings for me. Arguments would begin to happen between me and her over me being jealous over her becoming distant and i eventually tried to go no contact to recover from the relationship. My relationship ended due to trust issues. I started responding to him and we would meet, talk daily etc. ) It's why exes tend to reach out after several months Narc ex came back 15 months after No Contact. Yes, all my exes have reached out after dumping me except the most recent. This only works if a significant amount of time has passed where he didn't get to "joke around" or hear anything from you. Most people react with hope and relief when they hear this My first ex came back after a year. I used No Contact for me, not to get her back. He told me he’s tried to distract himself and forget about me but nothing is working and that he wants to be with me. Yeah seems like a really lame excuse for him to start seeing someone else. I sent her a long heartfelt message and told her that I’m choosing myself Two weeks ago, she came back to our hometown and we haven't spoke for a few weeks. It takes two people to break up, and two people to make it work again. We’ve been treating this new relationship like we’re “friends” who sleep with eachother now and then, talk about whatever dates or messages we receive from different people, we go out to eat, text and FT multiple times a day but this whole situationship is starting to really 119K subscribers in the ExNoContact community. If my last ex comes back it'll be 6. So long story short, ex (F22) broke up with me (M25) after a 3 year relationship in January 2023. Cried on my bed for nights, looking at this reddit, for hope, just wishing to hear the answers that I wanted. Met with my ex after 1 year…. That I'd rather be single than settle. We agreed to just see what happens. 5. You'll only feel like shit and doom the relationship. I would like to reach out but I’m nervous. She had a rebound during that period. In the course of a day or two, he revealed that he missed me and that he wanted to get back together with me. She reached out on December 29th asking if i will be interested in reconciliation. Fairly shortly after the breakup, she started dating a guy who had been trying to get with her whilst we were in a relationship and someone she told me she never really liked. After so much fighting we broke up in November. He came back 2 months later asking me to hang out and followed up with calling me at 2:30 am. However, I cannot advise you further than that. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Ex came back after 4 months . don’t jump straight back into a relationship with him. I have had a few exes in my 50 so years and all came back. Last June I broke up with gf of two years. • 2 yr. My ex has reached out to me this week after a year of no contact; she told me she missed That's my message to the broken-hearted: YES, No Contact works. I broke up with him. My gf wanted to go into no contact after we had a fight because I said something rude while I was intoxicated. She messaged me out of the blue - one year since the breakup - (she lives in Germany, I’m in UK) saying Avoidant ex came back. Calling me sobbing saying, “I miss you so fucking much. Broke up after a year together. I felt something different about him but as fast as he came into my life the first time he left. Obviously, me being stupid, was curious and stirred up a conversation and told me that she loved me and that she wants to be back with me and build something together. Never thought I'd write this, and I was an absolute wreck after my breakup. That only flies for so long because they need masculinity and security from their relationship. What we cannot give advice on: rants, unsolicited advice, medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, "body counts" or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems, situations involving minors, and/or abuse (violence, sexual, emotional etc). First and foremost, I want to acknowledge the strength it must have required to maintain no contact for an impressive span of two years. It’s the bad ones- the narcissists, the manipulators, the ones who lack empathy, who come back after 9 months or more. No we were not in contact at all, he told me never to text or call him and to stay away from him, it was hard for me because I wanted to contact him every day we were in NC. Ex reached out after 3 months of no contact. ob es dx np iv pw mh ug dn po