How to reject a girl and still be friends

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Do not overthink your answer, as it may complicate the matter. I really did grow a lot from that friendship. After a few deep breaths, you'll feel more relaxed. g we were climbing and she asked me to hold her up to reach a grab hold, likes it when I carry her to the car, when standing next to her she bumps into me and maintains contact) since I told her how I feel. Like a bandage - rip it off quick. Don't think it'll make her feel bad. If you’ve been rejected by one girl, don’t dwell on it too long. Jun 7, 2024 · 1. Jun 9, 2021 · Respect her decision and then say “I don’t agree with it” or walk away anyway. Turn her down gently. You’re a catch — but unfortunately, just not my catch. Ask a question or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. Aug 18, 2023 · When a guy says ‘no,’ it doesn’t always mean feelings are absent. Mar 18, 2021 · Sometimes being polite means finding a different way to say no. I wish you the best. Lowkeyeet. Usually when a girl has done this, the initial rejection happened because she believed she can do better, then her changing her mind is the realization that she can't as her other prospects have failed. You have proof that she propositioned you simply because you have her phone #. Sep 25, 2014 · I was “that girl” you rejected. Hi, thank you for asking, but I have to say no. This kind of behavior is still harassment, even if they haven't said anything to you yet. Download Article. “I’m honored but I can’t. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Just when our self-esteem is hurting most, we go and damage it even further. Don't give her that much time. Now: I know it’s tempting, it’s only natural that you’ll want to reach out to her after getting rejected. Be prepared for rejection. Even if you "knew" her for years, you don't truly know who they are until you get close. Reply. May 21, 2022 · Seeing your crush again after rejection can feel scary. This can help rebuild your confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment. Tell them you are dating someone. Don’t let your ego trick you into thinking this is a challenge and you have to win her over immediately. If you are looking for how to reject someone nicely without hurting them, you do not really need to mince words or think of a fine speech. Reassure Your Friendship: Let her know that you value her as a friend, and want to maintain your friendship. Sometimes it’s impossible to be friends with someone who rejected you: 7. Reply reply. They don’t return your calls or texts. Accept responsibility for trying to change the boundaries of your friendship. ”. It will suck to see her face for a while since it will remind you of your rejection, but ultimately you will forget about it and stop caring. " 3. Accept responsibility. Obtain the grain. 2: Just tell her that you value her as a friend (if you do) and that you're sorry but you're not interested in anything beyond that. Allow her to feel your absence, and maybe she will come running back. Listen, even if this girl rejected you, you don’t want to be rude or harsh with her. “I know that took a lot of courage asking me, and it really means a lot. Be straight forward. " There are guys who will accept you for who you are, so don't think you need to change in order to be appreciated and loved. NearbyAbrocoma659. You need to focus on moving forward, on other girls you are interested in and who might be interested in you. May 1, 2022 · 4. If she chooses to be the 10%, talk to the store manager about her behavior. Be direct. There is no way in which this will end well and you need to be up front and say I'm not interested and that's that, if you don't it will affect your life as she will be present Sep 29, 2008 · A lot of girls that i meet start to like me (serious, no brag) and eventually want to get into a relationship (eventually can be an overstatement, sometimes its like a few weeks lol). He’s Not Ready for a Relationship. Stick with "I" statements. Be rational and understanding: 8. Best of luck out here. If a friend tells you directly that they do not want to be friends anymore, respect their decision. If you wanna play it safe then say you don’t feel a spark and call it a day. Be direct and honest. "You may be cordial to one Feb 20, 2024 · I know you’ll find someone amazing. After the first or second date, you should know if there is chemistry between you or not. They avoid spending time with you. You can do this while you’re speaking, as a way to nonverbally emphasize or bold your verbal no. You can text, “Thank you so much for the offer, but for the past few weeks, I have been talking to this other person, and we have been considering taking things forward. "Thanks for your honesty, it was fun hanging out. Thank you so much for the offer. Have the courtesy to give her space to say how she feels about it but don’t let it spiral into her hurling insults at you. 10. Mar 1, 2022 · Wishing you all the best. Jun 30, 2024 · 5) Start dating other women. Acknowledge that you know it may have been I'd still start out as friends and enjoy the friendship for as long as it was tenable. Join clubs that she's in or hang out at parties or gatherings where you know she'll be. " "I have fun with you, but I don't think dating is the right choice for me right now. However, I would like to say that you are better off without me because (put your reason here) and I really think that I would not be able to reciprocate your attention right now. One way of supporting your friend is to help him navigate his pain. Feb 10, 2022 · 1) Stop reaching out. The basic step in the process of winning over the girl who rejected you is accepting her decision with an open mind, even if your heart hurts like crazy. -- the other person will probably just think you are insulting him or her. I think you are overreacting. Whatever the reason for your feelings, avoid putting the blame on the other person when you tell him or her how you feel. Tell her, “I have told you how I feel. Aug 8, 2023 · Give her some space and time. Truth be told, I'd prefer a solid no over an up-in-the-air maybe. Just say things like, is good to hang out with a friend and stuff like that. I asked a girl out and got rejected, but I feel great about it. To know how to reject someone nicely, you have to learn to be truthful with your words and emotions. A human is a mix of both – the good and the bad. You will appear instead as a pending friend request when they view you in Search or elsewhere on the site until you either accept or ignore the request. Oct 13, 2023 · Additionally, it’s natural for individuals to need some space and time to heal after rejection. Because begging just turns people off. When rejecting your friend, make clear that you are not rejecting your friend as a person. " Your former friends will not be notified tl;dr: Got rejected by a girl that hangs in the same friend group as I. •. She wants to see if you’re willing to do anything to be with her. Let’s have a look at some possible explanations for why she rejected you but still acts interested. Apr 26, 2024 · 3. Klapow says. 💙 Tap into the ‘Why’ Behind Your Goals with the help of Jay Shetty. If a guy rejects you, he wasn't the one for you. If her answer is no the second time around too, do not harp on your feelings. Jun 30, 2022 · These things can definitely make it harder to handle rejection in a healthy way — so one thing you can do to cope better is to work on leading a healthy lifestyle. Either you choose me, or you lose me. [2] You can say, "You still mean a lot to me as a friend and I'd like to try to be friends still, even if it's a little awkward at first. 3. You should not be distracted by girls that reject you. 1. Remember: There are plenty of fish in the sea. If he knows that he can share painful things with you as a friend, without being rejected, this may help him feel better. ago. 2. Use “I” statements in a calm voice to make your point clear. Grimzydude. A simple ‘No’ would suffice. Touch your crush on the arm or the shoulder. 4. Jun 14, 2024 · 4. Feb 11, 2024 · 1) Positive and relaxed. Girls can pick up on these things, and if she didn’t think you were being serious then she probably rejected you. If the person hasn’t said anything to you but they keep inching closer and closer, it can be upsetting. If you genuinely appreciate him for asking, thanking him will soften the blow of your refusal. However, if they express a desire to remain friends, it is crucial to approach the Apr 11, 2024 · 5. A Girl who recently rejected me, we were friends before, has started to hug me and has increased physical contact (e. Light, flirty touches like these can bring you from “friend” over to “potential crush” in their minds. Inform the person in a timely manner. “I appreciate your interest in me, but our values are too different for us to make things work. [3] If someone asks you to date them and you don't want to, you can be direct and kind at the same time. A respectful way of uttering “no” is “I really appreciate your offer, but it’s not going to work for me. And, when I was rejected, I'd still let it all go. Apr 30, 2018 · If you’re worried about how to reject a girl without hurting her feelings, check out these compliments you can tell her: “I think you’re such an awesome person and am really flattered. When scientists placed people in functional MRI machines and asked them to recall a recent rejection, they discovered something amazing. [1] Remember that it took a lot of courage for the person to ask you out. Once he’s ready, he’ll text or call you to hang out again. I'd still ask her out—though a bit earlier than when I did (waiting as long as I did made the pain of rejection a lot more severe than it had to be). Jun 8, 2022 · Break the touch barrier. Rating people gives off a negative impression since it objectifies them. I had a crush on my best friend in HS, she wasn't with it, we didn't talk for a little to cool off, i decided it was better to stay friends, and we are still best friends to this day. The thing is I don’t blame my best friend. Sep 10, 2023 · 3. But if the girl rejected you because of your bad (s), it is just the right time to start working on them. Depends on the person. Be firm and definitive about the rejection. Sometimes a date flops and all parties know it. ARowe90. Since this is the second time, next time you make a "guy" friend make sure you let him know whenever you can how great a friend he is. If you think the person will be easily offended tackle the situation by saying: “I’m honored but I can’t do it because I’m already busy on that day. I just went to a restaurant with family and friends and there was this stunning girl a few tables away that was alone. Feb 10, 2024 · Download Article. Remaining friends immediately after a rejection may not allow for this necessary healing process. Social skill 1: Don't rate people on their attractiveness, instead use adjectives. Sep 20, 2023 · 1) Give her space and stop pursuing her. " 4. As men, we often get entranced by the beauty of a woman. I wish you all the best and hope we can be friends. You can always remove people as friends by scrolling down to the bottom left side of their Facebook profiles. You can absolutely remain friends. Be clear but also kind. Set realistic goals. You’ll be inclined to want to keep things light, but if you go too far -- making a silly voice or face, quoting lines from a movie, etc. You're not responsible for her actions or reactions to your rejection. Good luck. You want to reject a guy, but are not sure you want to lose him because he’s been a great friend. Maybe you'll make some friends in the process. If your crush just told a funny joke, touch them on the arm as you laugh your head off. Best Answer: 5) Don’t Rule Out Friendship. Your comfort level will increase Feb 18, 2022 · Instead, "own it, baby!" Take real responsibility for having made a decision. “Thank you and I’m sorry I have to say no. “Please forgive me, but I don’t envision our paths aligning in the future. She Didn’t Realize You Were Actually Trying to Ask Her Out. Let her get to know your face, talk to her more and more often, and you'll be friends before you know it. I started off telling the truth, saying I am not interested or do not want to be in a relationship. I still have feelings for her and this is affecting my social life. Avoid blaming yourself. Oct 20, 2023 · 05 Let her have her say, but don’t let it change your mind. It’s normal – but don’t let it get to you. But to answer your question: yes, I think friendship can still happen after rejection Personally, I've never received a definitive "no" from a woman who rejected my advances, but I've been given the cold shoulder or the hint to take a hike. Become friends with a girl by working your way into her social circle. 5. Stop leading someone on with these 10 text message examples: “I regret any misunderstanding, but I’m not seeking a relationship at this time. [1] When you embrace vulnerability, you’ll discover what matters to you. Some guys may genuinely have feelings for you but are not in a position to commit to a full-fledged relationship. If your mind is made up, it is best to clearly state your response. Just reject her my guy , feelings are gonna get hurt regardless. Be kind and give them positive feedback before your refusal. Let me stop you right there. Acknowledge your rejection and encourage her to stay friends, but do not pressure her. Jan 22, 2019 · Here are my tips for how to reject Is there someone that likes you that you have NO interest in but you don't want to hurt their feelings by rejecting them? Here are my tips for how to reject 3. If your heart can be broken by finding out that someone's not into you, you are investing way way too much energy into being in a relationship in your head with someone who doesn't even know you're interested. For now, just tell him that you think of him as a friend. Avoid saying anything negative or flirting while hanging out: 5. Comes down to if he sees you as somebody worth staying friends with. Mar 20, 2019 · You told your friend how you feel. Jul 12, 2022 · 3) She wants to see if you miss her. Don't fall madly in love with a girl you hardly know. The answer is — our brains are wired to respond that way. I appreciate you telling me and, really, no worries. Realistically, there is probably not much you can do. Mar 1, 2022 · 1. She might be grappling with her own feelings, resulting in her sending mixed signals. Reflect your friend’s emotions. Award. If you are seeing someone, then reject flatly and tell them openly, but with a tone of regret. That’s OK, I totally Apr 24, 2024 · 15. May 11, 2019 · The easier it is to actually open up and communicate with someone about problems and work through them, the greater a chance at preserving things after rejection provided you are respectful and can work through it. The reason we are all still friends after all these years is because of mutual respect. When you’re about to see them, give yourself a moment to breathe in slowly, hold your breath for a second, and release. She’s Conflicted About Her Feelings. If you do not want to date someone, it is best to be upfront about your feelings. By getting into the rhythm of declining small tasks more regularly, you’ll get used to understanding where your boundaries begin. Don't give false hope by stringing Apr 27, 2024 · Talk with your friend in person or at least over the phone. ” I never thought she was hitting on me. My best friend said she was a “nasty whore who should be ashamed of herself” and she “sounds like a pain. This means focusing in on Feb 20, 2024 · Hey, thanks for just telling me how you feel, that’s way classier than just ghosting. If he’s serious about keeping a friendship going, he’ll reach out to you. If she feels she wants to work it out and she sees that maybe she does really like you, when she does come back it increases the chance of her getting back with you. This is totally normal, and your crush likely has no idea. We shake our head from left to right when we don’t want something. In the end, being rejected by our crush can be a harsh blow to our ego and hopes for a romantic connection. Continue to be yourself but just realize that you will still come across some men out there who can’t accept being platonic friends with you. Tell him you’d rather be friends instead. Oct 20, 2023 · 21 Better off without me. Select the link "Remove from Friends. You agreed the friendship was important and assured them you That you've never connected with someone else like that before and you rejected her because of you, not her, and that if she'd like to ask you out again, that the answer would be one more representative of how you feel as opposed to what you're afraid of. Direct private communication may be tough, but it will be better for both you and your friend. Learn to accept her decision. " "I really like having you as a friend, but I don't feel comfortable going further than that. After you’ve told her how you are feeling, it is natural for the girl to feel hurt. Sep 14, 2021 · If your friend tells you that they don’t want to be friends anymore, you’ll have a clear answer. Later he gave me some context, they started talking the night I was rejected, and he suddenly fell in love with her. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! Girl insists on being friends after rejecting me twice. Because Apr 26, 2024 · 4. I wish you all the best in finding love. Even then, sometimes feelings can grow too intense, and a clean break is the only answer. I have had therapy and am doing better without you. They made sure not to hurt me in how they rejected me. Or maybe you feel uncomfortable about the whole thing and you want to clear the air. Jun 14, 2024 · Accept that an outcome was important to you, whether it was the idea of publishing a book, landing a job, or scoring an SO. I don't take it as being lead on, I Anyway fast forward a week and my best friend tells me he’s dating that girl. Mar 23, 2023 · Rejecting Someone Politely In-Person or By Phone. • 2 yr. Don't lead her on any further. She’s just turned you down. Focus on your strengths and accomplishments. I hope that you understand. Rejection is just part of the game when you initiate and if you want guys to initiate you have to give them a reason to think you're interested in them romantically and most are clueless and will miss out on any subtle queues. You dragging it on will make her feel worse - to quote Jane Austen - A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. "Don't start pointing out all the faults or issues the person has that are leading you to make your decision to reject them. That said, here are the possible reasons why a guy would reject you even if he likes you. May 2, 2024 · After you confess your feelings, give him 2 or 3 days to chill and work through his own emotions. This is a wee bit selfish, and best used when you’re not sure yourself. Your ego is bruised. “The best way to close out a rejection text is . Our minds picture them as perfect and we only see the good. In fact, if you have not ever considered this try, “getting back with an ex like you is like re reading an old book, I already know how it ends. Share. It will. Don’t seem like a jerk when you’re trying to be a nice guy/gal. That was really brave of Mar 18, 2024 · Tell them to get out of your space if they’re too close. Sometimes, it can be the start of a really good friendship so don’t go cutting any ties because it didn’t work out romantically. Ask him how he’s feeling, and affirm that his feelings are okay. Compliment the person. I still love you but I do not want you in my life. Give yourself some time to process the disappointment—acknowledging your emotions is an important way to cope with sadness. However, if she’s come back around it means that she’s now realized you were actually interested and she wants to give you a shot. In my initial post I stated it started being she told me about her still being a virgin and feeling like she was behind because I made a joke about how my first time was a let down. The dinner went through normaly, but I Jun 17, 2024 · In general, here are some signs it might be time to give up and move on to someone new: They clearly express their disinterest in you. If the torso turn doesn’t work, the second thing you can try is shaking your head “no. " Let your date know you appreciate them being real (even if you already started a Pinterest board for your imagined shabby May 31, 2024 · 1. Rejection Tip #2: Shake Your Head No. Do not beat around the bush. Give her space to rethink about you. They’re always busy when you want to hang out. “I had a great time getting to know you, but I don’t think we share enough common ground for a relationship. Cutting ties altogether can create an emotional distance that gives him the opportunity to heal and move on more effectively. Dec 8, 2015 · The greatest damage rejection causes is usually self-inflicted. Never too late homie. Spend time together in groups. Thank the asker. She rejected me, but we became close friends. Still, sending a text can help ensure you’re on the same page. Suspicious as fuck. But she doesn’t want your attention too much – just enough for her to know that she can mean something to you. Rejecting someone is an uncomfortable situation, but it is necessary to handle it with care, honesty, and sensitivity. In that case, tell him you don’t want to go out with him, but his friendship is so valuable to you. Instead, your attitude should be more positive and relaxed. Be mature enough and respect their decisions: 6. Establish achievable objectives for yourself in areas unrelated to the rejection. Do that at the beginning and you'll save yourself some trouble. I actually handled it calmly and told politely told him to fuck off. 6. They apologized and said they just didn’t feel the same way, though they valued your friendship. Work on yourself. Tell Them ‘No’ With Respect. There are 7 and a half billion people in this world. Even if you do not fancy the person at all and you are surprised that they would ask Apr 10, 2024 · 1. You can use the following messages to show her you didn’t take her rejection personally: “That’s cool. Try not to get defensive or try to convince them that you can work things out. Don’t make a joke out of it. The trick is to not get too attached to begin with. “Hi (guy’s name) I just want to say that I appreciate your proposal last night. However, the problem may lie in the way you say it. A few days ago I asked her out again. Saying that getting rejected when you ask someone out is "breaking their heart" is kind of unhinged. My own dad has asked me before on why I was still friends with my female friends if they are not interested in me romantically. Maybe you want to try again. “My bad if I made you think something else, but I don’t really feel that spark between us. Sep 1, 2023 · By prioritizing personal development, empathy, and open communication, individuals can establish a lasting bond that goes beyond initial romantic feelings. “Don Jun 5, 2024 · 6. As long as you don’t make a big problem about it and deal with the rejection maturely, then this person can still be in your life if they want to be. Long Story Short: I had a crush on this girl and asked her out last year. They ignore you in person, online, or over the phone. Be kind and gentle. Their reasons may range from Feb 20, 2020 · Communicate how being their friend means a lot to you. Feb 20, 2024 · Immediately suggesting friendship may make them feel pressured to act in a way they aren't ready for. It’s perfect for situations where you need to say no to someone you feel close to or feel obliged to say yes to. I was able to properly process and move on from the rejection because it wasn't done in a selfish, noncaring way. Navigating the sea of emotions can be as tricky as finding a vegetarian at a barbecue. Respect your friend’s decision. Apr 26, 2024 · Try: "I care about you a lot, but I'm not in a good place to start a relationship with you right now. "Let the degree of friendship develop on its own," Dr. If the girl who rejected you still wants your attention, there’s a chance that she wants to see if you really care about her. It's a numbers game. Avoid the temptation of trying to figure out "what you did wrong" or how you aren't "good enough. [6] Sometimes guys say that they want to be friends so they don’t hurt your feelings. qx nh sc go gf va rs fr nz ic
